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Open FxOpen, Get Special Bonus!

Be one of the first 3 users who open an FXOpen account, to get the PipRebate Special Bonus.


FxOpen Bonus


Hi, dear PipRebate users,

PipRebate is glad to announce that gives a Special Bonus to the first 3 users who open FXOpen account through PipRebate!


The requirements to earn the Bonus;

  1. Be one of the first three users who open an FXOpen account through PipRebate.
  2. The type of your trading account must be STP.
  3. Open and close a position in the first 2 days to be able to withdraw the Bonus.


The first 3 users will get a $10 bonus each.

Don't miss out!


We hope you enjoy our services.

Best Regards,

PipRebate Team.

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