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100% Welcome Bonus From ForexVox |

100% Welcome Bonus

detalles de la promoción

Añadir/Actualizar Fecha
06 Dec 2023
Bonus Name
100% Welcome Bonus
100% Welcome Bonus
Cómo conseguir
1. Register for the MarketsVox website and open a Live account.

2. Then contact MarketsVox via to request the bonus.

3. Start trading once you receive your bonus.

4. The size of the bonus is 100%.

reglas de retiro
- The Bonus will not be added to internal transfer deposits and deposits from contests/promotions of the Company.

- The Welcome Bonus received can become available for withdrawal only after the Client trades the trading volume (in standard lots) equal to = / 2.
Fecha final
31 Dec 2024     113 Days Remaining
otras condiciones
- The minimum deposit for the Client to obtain the bonus is 50 USD. The deposit should be a one-time payment of 50 USD.

- The maximum size of the Bonus the client can receive is 1,000 USD. The total amount the clients can receive within the trading period is 1,000 USD.
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